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Info… New Army of the Week

May 6, 2011

A new Army of the Week has been posted for the Combat Cards. This time it is a WWII Russian Heavy Assault Gun Regiment. What the army lacks in terms of unit variety, it makes up for in raw firepower. At 150 points total force value, it is definitely a formation for use in bigger games!

Category: Info...


May 5, 2011

A new scenario for the Fantasy Cards has been posted in the Free Downloads area. This time a surrounded army makes a desperate last stand upon a grassy hillock. Will they survive the carnage, or will they be consumed by by the swarms that hunt them…

Category: Scenarios...

Tactics… Aerial Units

May 3, 2011

Aerial Units are one of the most potent units in the Fantasy Cards when used effectively. Unfortunately, they are probably one of the most under-appreciated units as well. In large part this is due to the Aerial Units only being available when specific cards make them available. Because of this, some players feel they are not as valuable as the other types of units that remain on the battlefield. While a case can be made for this, a strong case can also be made for just the opposite too! [Read more…]

Category: Tactics...
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