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Ideas… Playing On The Fly

April 26, 2011

Sometimes life just doesn’t give us the chance to sit down a play a proper game. You know, a majestic affair with all of our cool looking miniatures, an impressive terrain layout for the battlefield and a beverage or snack of our choice.

Maybe it’s due to a trip to the cabin without your gaming stuff, which was left behind to appease a significant other. Or maybe a friend stops by for an impromptu short visit – not enough time to set up a full-blown game, but enough time to play a quick one if you were ready. Maybe it’s a much dreaded business trip,  where all of your normal gaming accoutrements are not available and yet you have time to kill in your hotel. Whatever the reason, you do not have to give up hope – Combat Cards players have come up with a very clever way to still get in a game when your normal stuff isn’t available. [Read more…]

Category: Ideas...


April 25, 2011

There is another free Fantasy Cards scenario available in the Downloads section today. This time two power hungry wizards and their retinues battle it out on the side of an active volcano. Can they overcome both the elements and their adversaries to earn the coveted title of Archmage?

Category: Scenarios...

Info… New Army of the Week

April 22, 2011

A new Army of the Week is up – this time it is a Colonial Marines’ Intervention Force. When a colony world refuses to play nice, these guys are sent in to teach a lesson…

Category: Info...
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