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Tactics… Archer & Sorcerous Units

March 10, 2011

One of the struggles folks have with running a force heavy with range attacking units, in particular Archer and Sorcerous Units, is the perceived lack of Open Fire cards in the deck. If only there were more Open Fire cards, then these units could dominate the battlefield with their excellent Ranged Attack Characteristics and their rapid rate of fire.

Well it isn’t a coincidence that in a melee heavy game, there just isn’t enough opportunities to shot for every player’s delight. But all is not lost! Through careful management of your force selection and your playable cards, it is possible to make a pretty potent ranged attacking force. [Read more…]

Category: Tactics...

Designer Notes… Command Units

March 9, 2011

One of the most misunderstood units in the Fantasy Cards is the Command Unit. Most folks think of the Command Unit as the overall commander of the force, responsible for directing the actions of all other units. With this understandable perception, players are sometimes puzzled by the rather limited command range of the these units – typically only a short distance from the unit itself.

Unfortunately, this isn’t exactly the intended role of these units. [Read more…]

Scenario Design… Point Scenarios

March 8, 2011

Point Scenarios are scenarios designed around a theme, objective or battlefield test with the intent of challenging players to select the optimal force, within certain parameters, to succeed in the scenario.  In other words, building a force for the scenario is essentially part of the scenario’s challenge.

To set up a Point Scenario, you first have to decide what is it about the scenario that will make it different and fun to play. Is there a unique battlefield condition that will add a new challenge (e.g. fog, night time, etc.)? Is there a unique layout to the battlefield that will pose a particular obstacle (e.g. fighting on a volcano, in a swamp, on a small island, etc.)?  Is there something about the forces being used that make it a unique challenge  (e.g. no Aerial units allowed due to weather, all units move at half speed due to heavy mud, etc.)? [Read more…]

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