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Legendary Battles Pack #2
January 2, 2011The Xakkarri Wars: First Invasion
This Pack focuses on the first invasion of the alien Xakkarri race into the galactic home of humanity. It includes the scenarios: Defending Hope & Getting Back Home.
During the first Xakkarri invasion, when the alien armies seemed unstoppable in their efforts to exterminate all intelligent life, humanity was finally able blunt their advance at a place called Mount Hope. This Pack includes a pair of scenarios depicting two of the key battles fought around Mount Hope, a map of the desert areas around the mountain and a host of game pieces representing units involved in the desperate battles there.
Legendary Battles Pack #1
January 1, 2011The Vietnam Conflict: Mid-War Years
This Pack focuses on company level action during the mid-war years of the Vietnam Conflict between the U.S. and communist guerrilla forces. It includes the scenarios: Sweep Through War Zone C & Clearing The Way.
During the mid-war period (1966-68) of the Vietnam Conflict the focus for the U.S. was to seek out and destroy communist forces, while the communists guerrillas sought to survive the sudden American onslaught. This Pack includes two scenarios depicting typical battles fought during this phase of the conflict, a map representative of the terrain the battles were being fought over and a host of game pieces representing units typically involved in the battles at this time.
Technology Cards – Set #4
The fourth Technology Cards expansion (Set IV) is again designed for use with the Tactical Assault: Combat Cards™. This set brings more advanced technological modifications into play for various Combat Card units. Things like battlefield teleportation, energized weaponry, dimensional camouflage, nano technologies and more are covered in this expansion.